Saturday 19 November 2011

The power of questioning.

3 idiots is a movie released in 2009, quite long time ago, but in  my memory it is still new and refresh itself every time I met difficulties, just told myself : All lzz well.

This is a story about friendship and romantic, very common topic, but the director and the screenplay writer add some 'spices' to it, made it stand out of those in the same genre. The name of this movie didn't mean the heroes were idiots, it was the short form of 'I'll Do It On my Term', three students from one of the best engineering schools in India strongly believe in this proverb.

There were three students from one of the best engineering schools in India, one of them named Rancho was a genius, he kept asking their discipline master about their education system. Was it a murder or a suicide?I was kept thingking about it, after a almost-graduated student committed a suicide because he could not finish the final project though it was a amazing design and need longer time. Before this Rancho saw his senior threw his design and helped him to complete, all the students started dancing and singing to cheer it, but when the masterpiece flied to that room of the senior, the carame showed he hang himself already, suddenly fell into absolutely silent. Two scenes became a comparision to hit the deepest part into your heart. This was also questioned audience about current education system.

The movie not only discuss those problems on the surface, some made us into deep thought. Hope u will enjoy it and understand the meaning of it.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to watch the movie sometime soon however it is difficult to find such a foreign DVD being available nowadays. -Alex Quek
